Saturday, November 6, 2010


B ener-bener dah
L oh kok bisa-bisanya
A ku mimpiin hal itu lagi
C oba deh dipikir lagi
K enapa sih aku amat sangat terobsesi sekali sama..
B arang ituuuu...??!!
E tdah padahal kan sebelumnya aku sama sekali nggak suka sama dia
R empong banget deh kalo udah ngidam begini nih
R ibeeettt!!
Y a Allah.. mudah2an mimpi itu pertanda bahwa sebentar lagi barang itu ada di genggamanku.


Oh God! I've never expected that one of my must-buy was taken along to my dream last Thursday night (sialan! makin kepengen gue).
You know what is the stuff that i dreamed??

A Lomo Camera Fisheye!!

A New Macbook Pro!!
 No, definitely no. But sounds good to lock in it to my list heheh :P

Subhanallohwalhamdulillahwalaailaahailallahuallohukbar!! beli dimandos cyiiin?? eyke mau dongs 5..!!

Oke ga mungkin. Nyokap gue bisa sujud maut men kalo tau gue pergi2 pake ginian.

This is what i dreamed..

Would somebody buy me this one??
The black is not bad, instead it's more elegant

So, I dreamed that I had have BlackBerry Curve 8520, but I'm not sure what the color was. In my dream, I exchanged everything about my BB (oh God! why is it only dream?) with Mas Wahid, my neighbor and also I consider him as my brother. He is a kind person and has this BB Gemini. Although it was a nice dream but that night I slept restlessly. I always woke up frequently. But when I fell asleep again, the dream was keep continuing. And then, morning was calling. I woke up. I went to the bathroom and said,

Hahah :P

May some people think and say that I'm too over or I just want to be the followers who love BB. But I'm not. I just love it sincerely. I don't care even the other think so. I do not even care.
I only know that ..

I AM OBSESSED to have this stuff. And I know I will get it in my hand! Heheh :)

Wish me guyrls! :)

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